Monday, March 16, 2009

P is for Procrastination...

... I had a paper due today.

I told myself all last week that I would work on it. When Friday came, I promised myself I would dedicate my weekend to starting, and finishing, it.

I had no time to do it Friday night, or Saturday. More important things came up (see previous post). So I planned to do it Sunday afternoon.

I did everything but my paper. I did the laundry. I cleaned the bedroom. I reorganized. I cooked dinner. I did the dishes. (Some of them, anyway. Alma did most of them.) I baked bread. I made cookies. I watched TV. I read scriptures. At the end of the night, I told myself I'd have plenty of time to do it at work.

Today, I've been dedicated at work. There's no distracting me from my important responsibilities. Why did I ever think I'd have time to write a paper today?

But sometimes, procrastination pays off. I just went to class, and my teacher's extended the deadline until Friday.


Alma said...

I did all the dishes... It took me 45 minutes. Warshing two spoons does not count.

Googs said...

You are SOOOO lucky!!! I'm impressed thought that your weekend was busy and full. Well done! Ging