Tuesday, March 3, 2009

B is for the Bachelor ...

... I don't know if all ya'll watch ABC's show The Bachelor, but last night's show was craaaazy.

I was at the gym last night, and because there was nothing better on the TV's, I watched the last two episodes of The Bachelor. Or maybe I should say the last episode, and then the follow-up to the last episode episode. I haven't seen any of this season, but last night's episodes sucked me right in. Too bad it's over with now. Or is it? Apparently, you never know with The Bachelor.

As I'm sure everyone knows, the last episode is the one where the bachelor picks one of two girls to propose to. So he dumped one, and proposed to the other, and they were so happy and cute together. I got a little emotional myself thinking of how happy Alma and I were when we got engaged. It was heartwarming. Exactly the kind of emotional response ABC wants you to have to the show.

AND THEN, not thirty seconds after the end of that episode, when you still have warm-fuzzy feelings, the "After the Final Rose" episode comes on. And guess what?

The bachelor has changed his mind. He made a mistake. He's actually in love with the other girl - you know, the one he dumped. He then proceeds to dump his current fiancee, and then ask the other girl for a second chance. By the end of the show, he's repeating all the things he said to the first girl when he proposed to her, except this time it's to the one he dumped in the last episode. How ridiculous is that? It was like a slap in the face to all of us who we're feeling so happy during the previous episode.

Reality shows are crazy, ya'll. They should be called: "A Distorted Reflection of Reality" shows. They sure make for some entertaining shows, though.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I was bugged too with that after the final rose episode. I felt bad for the dumped fiancee. Of course things are going to be different back in "real life". You can't live on TV and go on dates everyday with the one you love. Of course the dynamic of your relationship is going to change. I bet he is going to dump the other girl too. Oh well, at least we found our true loves right?