Wednesday, July 22, 2009

B is for Boxes...

... My living room is currently cluttered with cardboard: heavy taped-up boxes, half-packed boxes, and flat broken-down boxes.

We're in the midst of packing and moving to who knows where (literally - as of the 28th of July, we're officially homeless). It sure ain't fun, but at least it means we're leaving our tiny, suffocatingly hot, 3rd-floor apartment for something (hopefully!) bigger, cooler, and closer to the ground.

Just as a side note: Our books alone filled six or seven boxes. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised since we were both English majors, but I am.


Jessica said...

Hey yeah...send me an update of what's going on for you guys and your housing search.

noelle regina said...

books are the worst boxes- nearly impossible to pick up.

if you need more, we have a garage literally FULL of boxes.

Googs said...

Still no word from BYU? Good luck with packing.

Rasmussen Family said...

you can always move in with los's not that bad actually