Tuesday, February 3, 2009

R is for Revolution #1...

... Make the gospel a priority

I love the gospel. Sometimes I love it like my husband, and I want to be with it all day, every day. It’s the first thing I want to see in the morning and the last thing I see before I go to bed. And other times, I love it like my friend and past roommate Denise, who I only speak to about once a month, but I know is always there for me if ever I should need anything. Whenever we see each other, it’s like we’ve never been apart.

So sometimes the gospel is a priority in my life, and sometimes it’s not. I find I’m often very willing to do the big things the Lord requires of me (tithing, word of wisdom, law of chastity, etc.) but I struggle with the little things (morning and evening prayer, daily scripture study, journal and family history, visiting teaching, FHE). Probably because with everything I have going on in my day-to-day life, the gospel seems to be the one thing that gets overlooked.

That can’t happen anymore. I’ve got to reprioritize my life. And what better time to start than as a newlywed? I probably need it now more than ever.

I haven't decided yet just how I'm going to implement this change, so if you have any ideas that have worked for you, please share them. And if I find something that works, I'll do the same.


Rasmussen Family said...

our favorite thing is reading scriptures together. Sometimes it's only 2 verses and sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of it, but, it helps remind me to do my personal study cause I think about scriptures at least once everyday (better than what i have done in the past). Also, when I'm not in the mood, Tyler is and when Tyler needs some prodding, I'm there to grab the scrips. Good luck!

Brooklyn said...

Great post. I liked your comparison of loves. I read it awhile ago and still think about that comparison sometimes, so I thought I should let you know ...