Thursday, February 19, 2009

E is for the Economy ...

... So the economy seems to be in a spot of trouble these days. You know what I'm talking about. Second great depression. Japanese-style 10-year recession. Dow Jones at lowest in 6 years. Government stimulus plan, rescue plan, bail-out plan, no-idea-what-to-do plan. Everyone's losing their jobs, their houses, their retirement, even the shirt off their back. All this talk makes for a real big downer.

I was doing a pretty good job of ignoring the economic woes of our nation, seeing as how I have this cush job and all, but recently the economy has reared it's ugly head and shown me that despite my best efforts to pretend that nothing's wrong, the economy can affect
even my little ol' average life.

The economy hit us personally this week, in a big way. Let's just say one of us is on the job hunt again, in a nearly jobless market. Fun, right?

What I'm trying to say is, the economy is lame. The funny part is, no one even knows for sure what the "economy" actually is.


Nicole said...

So which one of you needs a job? Maybe we can help.

Rasmussen Family said...

soo annoying that the mistakes of many affect those of us who work hard and are honest, decent people. I'm looking for a job for when I gradumacate this April. Soo...We're praying for you too!