Monday, February 23, 2009

R is for Red Velvet...

... This week I had to provide the refreshments for our office's February birthday party. I made this. People go crazy for a good red velvet cake. Something about the red color just seems to make it taste so much better. Despite the color, it really was delicious. Instead of using the cream cheese frosting between the layers of the cake, I used raspberry jam, and then put raspberries on the top of the cake for decoration. I wish I had taken a picture of it cause it turned out really pretty.

Smitten Kitchen is my absolute favorite food blog. I highly recommend you start reading it if you're into cooking at all. Her descriptions will make your mouth water, and the pictures are fantastic. She describes the cake better than I could, but I will just make one addendum to her recipe. Make sure you sift the powdered sugar for the frosting, or it will taste grainy. Sometimes I skip the sifting if I'm feeling lazy, but you don't want to do that with this recipe. Also, the cake was seriously easy to make and tasted great. Give it a try even if you don't like cooking from scratch.


Jourdan said...

Mmmm, I love Smitten Kitchen! It brings out the domestic goddess in me. The Kitchen Sink is another great one you should check out.

jeannie said...

Red Velvet is my favorite. What kind of frosting did mom make for it?

Alexis said...

Mom didn't use cream cheese frosting. I don't know what kind it was, but I remember that it was cooked or boiled.