Sunday, October 4, 2009

M is for McDonald's...

... Friday night, Alma suggested we go on a date. I was excited to go out to dinner and then to a movie, since we haven't really gone out since law school started. But by the time dinner rolled around, we were both feeling a little tired.

We ended up going to McDonald's and renting from Redbox. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. Who can really hate diet coke, fries, and a big mac - the quintessential American fast food? And, most importantly, it made the hubby happy.

Sometimes, Mickey D's to go and a $1 movie can make for a perfect Friday night date.


Googs said...

Look online for free codes for Redbox then your movie could be free! Sometimes it is nice to just get out and be together. Ging

HIboi86 said...

i am so happy that Alma is suggesting dates....keep him in CHECK!..LOL