Monday, September 14, 2009

U is for Update...

... Oh hello, there, little blog. I've missed you. Sorry to have neglected you for an entire month. It's just that there's been a lot going on lately.

After two weeks in Salem, I think I'm gonna be okay. The first week was full of tears and homesickness, and the second week I lacked energy to do anything, but today I am feeling motivated and optimistic. The apartment is finally unpacked and settled, and I've found a few friends and have some possible job options, so things are on the up and up.

And, Alma loves law school, so that makes everything worth it.

That's all for now, but I won't neglect you for another month before I post again. Promise.


Googs said...

Glad to hear things are going better. We love to hear what is going on so keep us posted. Good luck with the job hunting. Ginger

HIboi86 said...

ohhhh yeahhhh!!..found you guys at last!! BEST WISHES AND ALOOOOOHA!!