Tuesday, September 22, 2009

E is for Exercise...

... This morning, after Alma left for school, instead of going back to bed or watching TV, I decided to go running. Three miles later, I was feeling so good, I took a shot at this:

30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser. (After a few of my girlfriends suggested it on their blogs, I decided to give it a try.) It's only a 20 minute workout, but by the end, I was feeling the burn.

And guess what? I have so much more energy and motivation to go out and seize the day now. Isn't it amazing what a little shot of endorphins will do for you?


Jourdan said...

This is my absolute favorite workout dvd! I get so bored with long workouts This one is a certified butt-kicker.

Holly said...

I've been working out in the mornings instead of the evenings this week, and it's so much better!

Jessica said...

Hey! We miss you...hope you are doing well.