Tuesday, November 10, 2009

T is for Tickle...

... I feel a little tickle in the back of my throat tonight, and my ears are inching. I sure hope I'm not coming down with something! Mostly because Alma can't really afford to get sick right now since finals are right around the corner. And I happen to be medically uninsured at the moment, so let's hope this is just a passing fancy!


Jessica said...

I hope you're not sick! But hey-if you need short term health insurance until you find your permanent plan, Phil and I did that for a little bit and it was totally worth it and hardly expensive, so shoot me an email if you need the info.

Kathleen said...

Steve and I have a nice little private plan from Humana. It doesn't include maternity, but it's about $150/month and it includes a term life insurance plan. I did a lot of research and we found that this was the biggest bang for our buck and they were super-helpful with explaining what all was included.

Melanie said...

Glad you are keeping the blog up. And how fun that you are in the YW. It's so fun to be able to serve with those girls. They are nuts but you learn a lot from them. And good luck with your tickle. Hopefully it isn't anything serious.