Sunday, November 1, 2009

S is for Story ...

... So I've been waiting to tell you all this story until I felt the appropriate amount of time had gone past. I don't know if it has, but this is too hilarious to hold in any longer.

So the first Sunday that I was here in church in Keizer, we had a Sunday School lesson about the principal of eternal marriage. Unfortunately, the teacher brought up plural marriage. A discussion ensued about whether there would be plural marriage in heaven. At this point, an older woman in our ward piped up.

She said that when she was investigating the gospel, polygamy was one of the hardest things for her to get over and understand. But after she went to the Temple, her eyes were opened and she understood why it was necessary. This is what she said:

"I realized that of course we needed to have plural marriage in the celestial kingdom because we're suppose to have unlimited progression. If we didn't have polygamy, men would become limited in their progression. Because women only have a certain number of eggs and possible children they can have, and men are unlimited in how many children (i.e. sperm) they can have, if a man was only with one woman forever, he would be limited."

Crazy, right! Guys, she really said eggs in sunday school. The teacher just kind of moved on when she was done talking. Alma wasn't paying attention, and he couldn't believe it when I told him afterward. I've heard a lot of reasoning on why we had/will have plural marriage, but this one is new to me.

Disclaimer: For those of you who aren't LDS, this definitely is not doctrine and is not something that the Church teaches. Just FYI.


Whitney said...

Still just as funny as the first time I heard it. I love this story, and while she is somewhat logical, probably incorrect. Please do not stop blogging. Call me

Googs said...

I'm so glad you decided to keep at the blog thing. Hilarious story, btw, I have just decided that the polygamy issue is one that I do not want to think about and the Lord will do whatever he wants. Hope all is well, miss you. Ging

Summers Family Blog said...

What a funny story. I had a discussion with my kids just the other day on how you can know for sure if what you learn in church is right. I hope they remember what we talked about when they hear the opinions of others throughout their lives.

Bizzle said...

Billy knows he's never allowed to practice it...EVER.