Sunday, November 1, 2009

C is for Callings ...

... I've decided to continue blogging because my mom told me so. Some things never change. :) Also, Whitney pointed out that when I get pregnant, I'm gonna need the blog to show everyone pictures of my tummy and eventually the baby. Also a good point.

Alma and I got callings today in church. We were set-apart and everything. The callings are ... (drum roll please):

Mia Maid Adviser (Alexis)
Elders Quorum Presidency 2nd Counselor (Alma)

Awesome, right? I'm excited to be working with the young women. Except that they seem to think that I'm their age. Seriously - the Laurel president asked if I was a visiting young woman today. They could not believe that I'm 23. I didn't think I looked THAT young.

Alma's a little stressed about having more time commitments, but other than that, he's happy too.


Nicole said...

Haha. You DO look really young. But that will just be a blessing later, right?

HIboi86 said...

YEA!!! With every Challenge there is a promise....