Thursday, June 4, 2009

S is for SYTYCD...

... So You Think You Can Dance has started in earnest, but unfortunately I haven't been able to watch as many episodes as I want largely due to the NBA conference finals monopolizing my television screen.

I did, however, watch last night's episode, and I learned some bad news and some good news.

First, the bad news. They seem to be kicking off all the good dancers. Don't bother getting attached to anyone, because chances are, they probably won't make it. Remember Natalie, Katee's BFF from last year? I was really rooting for her, and she somehow got cut.

But don't worry, just because I'm a little miffed right now doesn't mean I won't be watching and loving SYTYCD this year. I'm sure there will be a few dancers I'll grow to love this season just like last year.

Which leads to the good news. Fox is having a FALL SEASON of SYTYCD this year! Yippee! I guess they got the clue that the whole world loves SYTYCD. This is great news. Now I'll have a full two-seasons worth of SYTYCD and I won't have to wait an entire year to see it again. And maybe Natalie will audition again and get the credit she deserves this time.

The world really is a beautiful place.

*Note: Alma is not as excited about this news as I am. But he'll be in law school, so it won't really matter as he won't be spending much time in front of the television screen.


Janessa said...

Um, you guys should do what we do: watch the NBA finals live and TiVo SYTYCD. Then make the men stay for the second round. And laugh at their facial expressions whilst enjoying the dancers.

Anonymous said...

The Natalie thing totally threw me too, especially now that I know who made it to the top 20. She is better than over half of those girls, hands down.