Monday, April 6, 2009

S is for Style...

... Once, I was a pretty stylish dresser (or so I like to think). I went shopping more than once a month, and spent more than I should on clothes. I did my research, I watched for the latest trends, and I adapted my style accordingly.

Then I got engaged. And then I got married. My fashion has been going downhill ever since.

It's not because I don't care anymore. I still do my research. I still check out the trends. It's just that you have to update your wardrobe to stay fashionably current. And right now, there are more important things to spend my hard-earned pennies on.

Or at least that's what Alma tells me.

But I just thought ya'll should know that someday, I'll be stylish again. It'll probably be three or four years down the road, but it'll happen.

At least, that's what I tell myself.


jeannie said...

It will probably be a lot longer than that. There is always something "more important."

Jourdan said...

I feel your pain. I'm obsessed with The Sartorialist and everything akin to it...but I do not have the finances to follow them. Oh, my heart.

Alma said...
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Alma said...

Dumb... get yourself out of debt and then you can get your clothes. Tonight, I think I want a whamburger for dinner. PA-LEASE...

carlean said...

Try someday when your future children are through college, missions, and married. Then maybe you can be the stylish "older" lady.
Although I think style is in you no matter how you dress.

jeannie said...

what's a whamburger?

noelle regina said...

move to ny where it seems everyone else is on the top of the fashion world- spending their entire incomes (or at least the equivalent of my entire income) on clothing!