Wednesday, March 11, 2009

C is for Choir...

... Alma and I got a special calling last Sunday.

As it was explained to us by the bishopric member, our married student ward has a high turnover. And there are a lot of members, but not so many callings.
So there are some callings in our ward one doesn't normally find in a family ward.

Like ours: Ward Choir Members. Just think of us like this:

And yes, we were even sustained and set apart for it.

We'll now be attending church for four hours every Sunday. Yay.


Shea McGee said...

oh my, 3 hours is tough enough. well if it's any consolation, I'm in the nursery...

carlean said...

That's awesome! I think our ward should resort to that.

Jordan said...

ha ha, wow, I've never heard of that calling. I thought RS greeter was a stretch, but being called to be in the choir? Maybe they aren't desperate to find callings, maybe they are desperate to get people to be in the choir!