Saturday, October 30, 2010

F is for Facebook...

...I just watched The Social Network. It was great - I recommend it.

I haven't used Facebook much in the past year, but the other day, I decided it could be a useful source of information if used correctly.

So to optimize its usefulness, I just deleted 2/3 of my "friends." It felt really good to do so, especially the ones that I didn't really know in the first place, that I have no interest in, and that I know I'll never speak to or hear from again.

But if you feel like you were mistakenly caught in the crossfire (which could've happened), let me know, and I'll rectify the mistake.

Also, stay tuned for big news on Monday...


Nicole said...

You can't say the big news until Monday? Now we're all in suspense. : )

Nicole said...

Oh bugger. I was de-friended. You don't have to add me again though. I know what you mean about it being nice to have less "friends" on facebook.

Jessica said...

Hey Alexis-Phil and I would love to get together with you guys soon. Phil sent you an email, but we're not sure if it's an email address you use. Shoot me an email with your address. :)