Saturday, April 24, 2010

B is for Bunco...

... I went to my very first Bunco Night on Tuesday. I now feel completely inducted into Mormon Housewifedom. I'd never played it before and always wondered what all the hype was about. Now that I've played, I still don't know why it's such a craze among Mormon women. Just between you and me, I think it's really just an excuse to get out of the house and away from husbands and children for a night.

That said, however, I of course couldn't reject the offer to become an official member of their bunco group -it's an elite club of only 12 women - and you can only join when another woman drops out. I went as a substitute, but fortunately for me, a woman there announced that she was moving and I jumped on the opportunity to become a permanent fixture of their bunco group.

As a devout, faithful Mormon woman, how could I turn that down?

Monday, April 5, 2010

T is for Temporary...

... Sometimes, in life, living from day to day, I lose sight of the big picture. During those times, it helps to remember that certain things are temporary and others are not. It helps get me refocused.

Things that are temporary:
My job
Law School
Being poor
Student loan debts
Not being able to visit family and friends
Rainy days

Things that are forever:
The Church